Tarot of the Day - February 24, 2023




The Oracle

Communication channels from otherworldly beings are opened for you now, so expect the unexpected. You will soon be undergoing a major transformation that will shift you like never before. Be open to unexpected and synchronistic events. Like the butterfly merging from the chrysalis, it may feel a bit disorienting at first but something very magical is about to transpire in your life. Allow this and you will soar. 

Celestial interpretation:

Transformation resonates to direct connection with galactic spiritual guidance. This special ray assists one in stretching past the confines of the individual soul and enlisting support and love from cosmic star brothers and sisters. Dissolving any limitations of successful communication with other multidimensional beings, this penetrating ray lends a sense of peaceful cooperation, unity, and association that extends beyond the density of time and space.

Companion Crystals: Tanzanite, Kyanite

Companion Essential oil: Eucalyptus 


Mystic Bridge 

The Crystal Spirit Guild 


(Image connected with Galactic Green Pink Color Ray) 

From MAGICAL DIMENSIONS Oracle cards and activators