Blockages Buster
Dumortierite& Tourmalated Quartz
Dumortierite improves cognitive powers and faculties, such as speech and arithmetic. It calms amid stressful situations and promotes patience. It diminishes performance anxiety, nervousness, tension, obsessions, sleeplessness, dread, despair, or intolerance. It's also thought to boost courage and identity, prompting you to take a stand if you're being unfairly attacked.
Dumortierite will assist in developing or improving your spiritual awareness and gifts. It will also improve your self-confidence, assist in organizing your lifestyle and clearing all of the congestion that has accumulated in your journey, mainly psychological and emotional baggage. Dumortierite not only enhances focus but it also helps you to become more intuitive while allowing fear and other negative energies to be released from your thoughts!
Tourmalinated Quartz absorbs negative energy and to help cleanse and purify the aura. As it combines the energies of Quartz and Tourmaline, it’s a powerful stone that is highly protective and helpful for those who are working on their spiritual development. It’s also helpful for breaking through blockages, whether they be mental, emotional, or spiritual.